Friday, February 4, 2011

Beginning Board Game

Hello Everyone,

Thought I would kick things off by displaying one of my first projects under game design. Over the past semester my team and I worked on creating a board game. This entailed collaborating ideas and game mechanics, rules, layout of our board, game pieces involved, all the materials you see in board games today. We came up with doing a zombie survival board displayed down below.

It took a deal of time to come up with the final design. Rules and objectives were changing and being play tested by our fellow students allowing us to see which game mechanics worked and which didn't. Our team worked on having this board as our final design. Players would roll a die and move around the board collecting check point flags. Each panel represent the player encountering a zombie they had to overcome, chance cards that may benefit or disadvantage the player, and traps. Players had weapons they could use to defend against zombies and points to purchase weapons or flee from zombies.

That's the basics of our board game. I had a lot of fun working out the mechanics and playability of the game. I may get a group of friends together to try and make another board game. Hopefully one more refined.

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